§ 143B‑438.11. Local Workforce Development Boards.
(a) Duties. Local Workforce Development Boards shall have thefollowing powers and duties:
(1) To develop policy and act as the governing body for localworkforce development.
(2) To provide planning, oversight, and evaluation of localworkforce development programs, including the local One‑Stop DeliverySystem.
(3) To provide advice regarding workforce policy and programs tolocal elected officials, employers, education and employment training agencies,and citizens.
(4) To develop a local plan in coordination with the appropriatecommunity partners to address the workforce development needs of the servicearea.
(5) To develop linkages with economic development efforts andactivities in the service area and promote cooperation and coordination amongpublic organizations, education agencies, and private businesses.
(6) To review local agency plans and grant applications forworkforce development programs for coordination and achievement of local goalsand needs.
(7) To serve as the Workforce Investment Board for thedesignated substate area for the purpose of the federal Workforce InvestmentAct of 1998.
(b) Members. Members of local Workforce Development Boardsshall be appointed by local elected officials in accordance with criteriaestablished by the Governor and with provisions of the federal WorkforceInvestment Act. The local Workforce Development Boards shall have a majority ofbusiness members and shall also include representation of workforce and educationproviders, labor organizations, community‑based organizations, andeconomic development boards as determined by local elected officials. TheChairs of the local Workforce Development Boards shall be selected from amongthe business members. (1999‑237, s. 16.15(b).)