§ 143B‑438.13. Employment and Training Grant Program.
(a) Employment andTraining Grant Program. There is established in the Department of Commerce,Division of Employment and Training, an Employment and Training Grant Program.Grant funds shall be allocated to local Workforce Development Boards for thepurposes of enabling recipient agencies to implement local employment andtraining programs in accordance with existing resources, local needs, localgoals, and selected training occupations. The State program of workforceperformance standards shall be used to measure grant program outcomes.
(b) Use of Grant Funds. Local agencies may use funds received under this section for the purpose ofproviding services, such as training, education, placement, and supportiveservices. Local agencies may use grant funds to provide services only toindividuals who are (i) 18 years of age or older and meet the federal WorkforceInvestment Act, title I adult eligibility definitions, or meet the federalWorkforce Investment Act, title I dislocated worker eligibility definitions, or(ii) incumbent workers with annual family incomes at or below two hundredpercent (200%) of poverty guidelines established by the federal Department ofHealth and Human Services.
(c) Allocation ofGrants. The Department of Commerce may reserve and allocate up to ten percent(10%) of the funds available to the Employment and Training Grant Program forState and local administrative costs to implement the Program. The Division ofEmployment and Training shall allocate employment and training grant funds tolocal Workforce Development Boards serving federal Workforce Investment Actlocal workforce investment areas based on the following formula:
(1) One‑half ofthe funds shall be allocated on the basis of the relative share of the localworkforce investment area's share of federal Workforce Investment Act, title Iadult funds as compared to the total of all local areas adult shares under thefederal Workforce Investment Act, title I.
(2) One‑half ofthe funds shall be allocated on the basis of the relative share of the localworkforce investment area's share of federal Workforce Investment Act, title Idislocated worker funds as compared to the total of all local areas dislocatedworker shares under the federal Workforce Investment Act, title I.
(3) Local workforceinvestment area adult and dislocated shares shall be calculated using thecurrent year's allocations to local areas under the federal WorkforceInvestment Act, title I.
(d) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑451, s. 14.5(d), effective July 1, 2009.
(e) Nonreverting Funds. Funds appropriated to the Department of Commerce for the Employment andTraining Grant Program that are not expended at the end of the fiscal yearshall not revert to the General Fund, but shall remain available to theDepartment for the purposes established in this section. (1999‑237, s.16.15(b); 2009‑451, s. 14.5(d).)