Part 3C. Trade Jobs for Success.
§ 143B‑438.15. Legislative findings and purpose.
(a) The GeneralAssembly finds that State, national, and global economic conditions and thepassage of international trade agreements have impacted the State workforceadversely and resulted in significant losses in the availability of jobs inmanufacturing and the State's other traditional industries. Further, theGeneral Assembly finds that business and plant closings, the weakened Stateeconomy, and lengthening periods of unemployment have taken a toll oncommunities across the State. It is prudent to address the loss of jobs byestablishing a statewide initiative to create more jobs for our citizens.
(b) It is the policy ofthis State to stimulate job growth and hiring by investing in the effectiveretraining of trade‑affected displaced workers while partnering withprivate business to help those citizens learn new skills for new jobs throughon‑the‑job training and educational assistance.
(c) The purpose of thisPart is to establish the Trade Jobs for Success initiative to stimulate jobgrowth and hiring in the State and to assist displaced workers affected bytrade‑impact business closings. The aim of the Trade Jobs for Successinitiative shall be to partner with private business to move displaced workersinto new jobs while allowing for a dignified transition from unemployment backto employment. (2004‑124,s. 13.7A(d).)