§ 143B‑438.16. TradeJobs for Success initiative established; funds; program components andguidelines.
(a) There isestablished within the Department of Commerce the Trade Jobs for Success (TJS)initiative. The Department of Commerce shall lead the TJS initiative incooperation with the Employment Security Commission and the Community CollegesSystem Office.
(b) There is created inthe Department of Commerce a special, nonreverting fund called the Trade Jobsfor Success Fund (Fund). The Fund shall be used to implement the TJSinitiative. The Department of Commerce shall develop guidelines foradministration of the TJS initiative and the Fund. An advisory council shallassist the Secretary of Commerce in the administration of the Fund. The membersof the advisory council shall include:
(1) The Chairman of theEmployment Security Commission or that officer's designee.
(2) The President of theCommunity Colleges System or that officer's designee.
(3) The State Auditor orthat officer's designee.
(4) A representative ofa statewide association to further the interests of business and industry inNorth Carolina designated by the Secretary of Commerce.
(c) At a minimum, theTrade Jobs for Success initiative shall include the following programmaticcomponents:
(1) Displaced workersparticipating in the TJS initiative shall receive (i) on‑the‑jobtraining to learn new job skills and (ii) educational assistance or remedialeducation specifically designed to help displaced workers qualify for new jobs.
(2) Displaced workersparticipating in the TJS initiative shall not lose their eligibility forunemployment insurance benefits while they are in the program and may receivewage supplements, as appropriate.
(3) In‑Staterelocation assistance, in appropriate instances, where participatingindividuals must relocate to work for participating employers.
(4) Mentoring, both onand off the job, shall be provided to participants in a dignified mannerthrough telephone assistance and other appropriate means.
(5) Financial assistanceand other incentives may be provided to participating employers who providejobs to participating displaced workers to help defray the costs of providingthe on‑the‑job training opportunities.
(6) Work provided byparticipating employers as part of the TJS initiative must be full‑timeemployment. Wages paid shall not be less than the hourly entry‑level wagenormally paid by the employer.
(7) Staff of theEmployment Security Commission, in conjunction with staff of the Department ofCommerce, shall match participating displaced workers to the most suitableemployer.
(8) Local EmploymentSecurity Commission offices and community colleges shall enter into partnershipagreements with local chambers of commerce, and other appropriateorganizations, that would encourage employer participation in the TJSinitiative.
(9) Tracking ofparticipating individuals and businesses by the Department of Commerce and theEmployment Security Commission to assure program integrity and effectivenessand the compilation of data to generate the reports necessary to evaluate thesuccess of the TJS initiative.
(10) Coordination andintegration of existing programs in the Department of Commerce, the EmploymentSecurity Commission, and the North Carolina Community College System in a mannerthat maximizes the flexibility of these agencies to effectively assistparticipating individuals and businesses. (2004‑124, s. 13.7A(d).)