Part 21. North Carolina EnergyAssistance Act for Low‑Income Persons.
§ 143B‑472.121. Legislative findings and purpose.
(a) The GeneralAssembly finds that:
(1) Maintaining thegeneral health, welfare, and prosperity of the people of this State requires thatall citizens receive essential levels of heat and electric service regardlessof their economic circumstances.
(2) Serving the State'smost vulnerable citizens, its low‑income elderly, persons withdisabilities, families with children, high residential energy users, andhouseholds with a high‑energy burden, is a priority.
(3) Conserving energybenefits all citizens and the environment.
(4) Ensuring properpayment to public utilities and other entities providing energy servicesactually rendered is a responsibility of this State.
(5) Declining federallow‑income energy assistance funding necessitates a State response toensure the continuity and further development of energy assistance and relatedpolicies and programs in this State.
(6) Current energy assistancepolicies and programs have benefited North Carolina citizens and should becontinued with the modifications provided in this Part.
(b) The GeneralAssembly declares that it is the policy of this State that weatherization,replacement of heating and cooling systems, and other energy‑relatedassistance programs be utilized to increase the energy efficiency of dwellingsowned or occupied by low‑income persons, reduce their total residentialexpenditures, and improve their health and safety. The State shall utilize allappropriate and available means to fund the Weatherization Assistance Programfor Low‑Income Families and the Heating/Air Repair and ReplacementProgram under G.S. 108A‑70.30, and any other energy‑relatedassistance program for low‑income persons while, to the extent possible,identifying and utilizing sources of funding to achieve the objectives of thisPart. (2006‑206,s. 2; 2009‑446, s. 2(a).)