§ 143B‑474. Departmentof Crime Control and Public Safety duties.
It shall be the duty of theDepartment of Crime Control and Public Safety to provide assigned law‑enforcementand emergency services to protect the public against crime and against naturaland man‑made disasters; to plan and direct a coordinated effort by thelaw‑enforcement agencies of State government and to insure maximumcooperation between State and local law‑enforcement agencies in the fightagainst crime; to prepare annually a State plan for the State's criminaljustice system; to serve as the State's chief coordinating agency to controlcrime, to insure the safety of the public and to insure an effective andefficient State criminal justice system; to have charge of investigations ofcriminal matters particularly set forth in this Article and of such othercrimes and areas of concern in the criminal justice system as the Governor maydirect; to regularly patrol the highways of the State and enforce all laws andregulations respecting travel and the use of vehicles upon the highways of theState and all laws for the protection of the highways of the State; to provideNational Guard troops trained by the State to federal standards; to insure thepreparation, coordination, and currency of military and civil preparednessplans and the effective conduct of emergency operations by all participatingagencies to sustain life, and prevent, minimize, or remedy injury to personsand damage to property resulting from disasters caused by enemy attack or otherhostile actions or from disasters due to natural or man‑made causes; andto develop a plan for a coordinated and integrated electronic communicationssystem for State government and cooperating local agencies, includingcoordination and integration of existing electronic communications systems. (1977, c. 70, s. 1; 2009‑281,s. 1.)