§ 143B‑480. Adjunct committees of the Governor's Crime Commission creation; purpose;powers and duties.
(a) There are hereby created by way of extension and notlimitation, the following adjunct committees of the Governor's CrimeCommission: the Judicial Planning Committee, the Juvenile Justice PlanningCommittee, the Law Enforcement Planning Committee, the Corrections PlanningCommittee, and the Juvenile Code Revision Committee.
(b) The composition of the adjunct committees shall be asdesignated by the Governor by executive order, except for the Judicial PlanningCommittee, the composition of which shall be designated by the Supreme Court.The Governor's appointees shall serve two‑year terms beginning March 1,of each odd‑numbered year, and members of the Judicial Planning Committeeshall serve at the pleasure of the Supreme Court.
(c) The adjunct committees created herein shall report directlyto the Governor's Crime Commission and shall have the following powers andduties:
(1) Repealed by Session Laws 1983 (Regular Session 1984), c.995, s. 8.
(2) The Law Enforcement Planning Committee shall advise theGovernor's Crime Commission on all matters which are referred to it relevant tolaw enforcement, including detention; shall participate in the development ofthe law‑enforcement component of the State's comprehensive plan; shallconsider and recommend priorities for the improvement of law‑enforcementservices; and shall offer technical assistance to State and local agencies inthe planning and implementation of programs contemplated by the comprehensiveplan for the improvement of law‑enforcement services.
The Law Enforcement Planning Committee shall maintaincontact with the National Commission on Accreditation for Law EnforcementAgencies, assist the National Commission in the furtherance of its efforts,adapt the work of the National Commission by an analysis of law‑enforcementagencies in North Carolina, develop standards for the accreditation of law‑enforcementagencies in North Carolina, make these standards available to those law‑enforcementagencies which desire to participate voluntarily in the accreditation program,and assist participants to achieve voluntary compliance with the standards.
(3) The Judicial Planning Committee (which shall be appointed bythe Supreme Court) shall establish court improvement priorities, define courtimprovement programs and projects, and develop an annual judicial plan inaccordance with the Crime Control Act of 1976 (Public Law 94‑503); shalladvise the Governor's Crime Commission on all matters which are referred to itrelevant to the courts; shall consider and recommend priorities for theimprovement of judicial services; and shall offer technical assistance to Stateagencies in the planning and implementation of programs contemplated by thecomprehensive plan for the improvement of judicial services.
(4) The Corrections Planning Committee shall advise theGovernor's Crime Commission on all matters which are referred to it relevant tocorrections; shall participate in the development of the adult correctionscomponent of the State's comprehensive plan; shall consider and recommendpriorities for the improvement of correction services; and shall offertechnical assistance to State agencies in the planning and implementation ofprograms contemplated by the comprehensive plan for the improvement ofcorrections.
(5) The Juvenile Justice Planning Committee shall advise theGovernor's Crime Commission on all matters which are referred to it relevant tojuvenile justice; shall participate in the development of the juvenile justicecomponent of the State's comprehensive plan; shall consider and recommendpriorities for the improvement of juvenile justice services; and shall offertechnical assistance to State and local agencies in the planning andimplementation of programs contemplated by the comprehensive plan for theimprovement of juvenile justice.
(6) The Juvenile Code Revision Committee shall study problemsrelating to young people who come within the juvenile jurisdiction of thedistrict court as defined by Article 23 of Chapter 7A of the General Statutesand develop a legislative plan which will best serve the needs of young peopleand protect the interests of the State; shall study the existing laws,services, agencies and commissions and recommend whether they should becontinued, amended, abolished or merged; and shall take steps to insure thatall agencies, organizations, and private citizens in the State of NorthCarolina have an opportunity to lend advice and suggestions to the developmentof a revised juvenile code. If practical, the Committee shall submit apreliminary report to the General Assembly prior to its adjournment in 1977. Itshall make a full and complete report to the General Assembly by March 1, 1979.This adjunct committee shall terminate on February 28, 1979.
(d) The Governor shall have the power to remove any member ofany adjunct committee from the Committee for misfeasance, malfeasance ornonfeasance. Each Committee shall meet at the call of the chairman or uponwritten request of one third of its membership. A majority of a committee shallconstitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(e) The actions and recommendations of each adjunct committeeshall be subject to the final approval of the Governor's Crime Commission. (1975, c. 663; 1977, c. 11, s. 3; 1981, c. 605, s. 1;1983 (Reg. Sess., 1984), c. 995, s. 8.)