§ 143B‑491. Personnel and benefits.
(a) The Wing Commander of the North Carolina Wing‑CivilAir Patrol shall certify to the Secretary or his designee those members who arein good standing as members eligible for benefits. The Wing Commander shallprovide the Secretary with two copies of the certification. The Secretary shallacknowledge receipt of, sign, and date both copies and return one to the WingCommander. The Wing Commander shall, in the form and manner provided above,notify the Secretary of any changes in personnel within 30 days thereof. Uponthe Secretary's signature, those members listed on the certification shall beeligible for the benefits listed below.
(b) Those members of the North Carolina Wing‑Civil AirPatrol certified under subsection (a) of this section shall be deemed andconsidered employees of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety forworkers' compensation purposes, and for no other purposes, while performingduties incident to a State approved mission. Such period of employment shallnot extend to said members while performing duties incident to a United StatesAir Force authorized mission or any other Wing activities. (1979, c. 516, s. 1; c. 714, s. 2; 1993, c. 389, s.2.)