§ 143B‑512. Transfer of Office of Juvenile Justice authority to the Department of JuvenileJustice and Delinquency Prevention.
(a) All (i) statutory authority, powers, duties, and functions,including directives of S.L. 1998‑202, rule making, budgeting, andpurchasing, (ii) records, (iii) personnel, personnel positions, and salaries,(iv) property, and (v) unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations,reserves, support costs, and other funds of the Office of Juvenile Justiceunder the Office of the Governor are transferred to and vested in theDepartment of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. This transfer hasall of the elements of a Type I transfer as defined in G.S. 143A‑6.
(b) The Department shall be considered a continuation of theOffice of Juvenile Justice for the purpose of succession to all rights, powers,duties, and obligations of the Office and of those rights, powers, duties, andobligations exercised by the Office of the Governor on behalf of the Office ofJuvenile Justice. Where the Office of Juvenile Justice is referred to by law,contract, or other document, that reference shall apply to the Department.Where the Office of the Governor is referred to by contract or other document,where the Office of the Governor is acting on behalf of the Office of JuvenileJustice, that reference shall apply to the Department.
(c) All institutions previously operated by the Office ofJuvenile Justice and the present central office of the Office of JuvenileJustice, including land, buildings, equipment, supplies, personnel, or otherproperties rented or controlled by the Office or by the Office of the Governorfor the Office of Juvenile Justice, shall be administered by the Department ofJuvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (1998‑202, s. 1(b); 2000‑137, s. 1(b).)