§ 143B‑517. Authority to contract with other entities.
(a) The Department may contract with any governmental agency,person, or association for the accomplishment of its duties andresponsibilities. The expenditure of funds under these contracts shall be forthe purposes for which the funds were appropriated and not otherwise prohibitedby law.
(b) The Department may enter into contracts with, and act asintermediary between, any federal government agency and any county of thisState for the purpose of assisting the county to recover monies expended by acounty‑funded financial assistance program. As a condition of assistance,the county shall agree to hold and save harmless the Department against anyclaims, loss, or expense which the Department might incur under the contractsby reason of any erroneous, unlawful, or tortious act or omission of the countyor its officials, agents, or employees.
(c) The Department and any other appropriate State or localagency may purchase services from public or private agencies providingdelinquency prevention programs or juvenile court services, including parentingresponsibility classes. The programs shall meet State standards. Asinstitutional populations are reduced, the Department may divert State fundsappropriated for institutional programs to purchase the services under theExecutive Budget Act.
(d) Each programmatic, residential, and service contract oragreement entered into by the Department shall include a cooperation clause toensure compliance with the Department's quality assurance requirements and cost‑accountingrequirements. (1998‑202, s.1(b); 2000‑137, s. 1(b).)