§ 143B‑520. Teen court programs.
(a) All teen court programs administered by the Department ofJuvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention shall operate as communityresources for the diversion of juveniles pursuant to G.S. 7B‑1706(c). Ajuvenile diverted to a teen court program shall be tried by a jury of otherjuveniles, and, if the jury finds the juvenile has committed the delinquentact, the jury may assign the juvenile to a rehabilitative measure or sanction,including counseling, restitution, curfews, and community service.
Teen court programs may also operate as resources to the local schooladministrative units to handle problems that develop at school but that havenot been turned over to the juvenile authorities.
(b) Every teen court program that receives funds from JuvenileCrime Prevention Councils shall comply with rules and reporting requirements ofthe Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (2001‑424, s. 24.8; 2002‑126, s. 16.2(b).)