§ 143B‑530. Statesubsidy to county detention facilities.
The Department shall administer a State subsidy program to pay a countythat provides juvenile detention services and meets State standards a certainper diem per juvenile. In general, this per diem should be fifty percent (50%)of the total cost of caring for a juvenile from within the county and onehundred percent (100%) of the total cost of caring for a juvenile from anothercounty. Any county placing a juvenile in a detention facility in another countyshall pay fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of caring for the juvenile tothe Department. The Department may vary the exact funding formulas to operatewithin existing State appropriations or other funds that may be available topay for juvenile detention care. (1998‑202, ss. 1(b), 2(f); 1998‑217, s. 57(3); 2000‑137,s. 1(b).)