Part 6. Juvenile Crime PreventionCouncils.
§ 143B‑543. Legislativeintent.
It is the intent of theGeneral Assembly to prevent juveniles who are at risk from becoming delinquent.The primary intent of this Part is to develop community‑basedalternatives to youth development centers and to provide community‑baseddelinquency, substance abuse, and gang prevention strategies and programs.Additionally, it is the intent of the General Assembly to providenoninstitutional dispositional alternatives that will protect the community andthe juveniles.
These programs and servicesshall be planned and organized at the community level and developed inpartnership with the State. These planning efforts shall include appropriaterepresentation from local government, local public and private agencies servingjuveniles and their families, local business leaders, citizens with an interestin youth problems, youth representatives, and others as may be appropriate in aparticular community. The planning bodies at the local level shall be theJuvenile Crime Prevention Councils. (1998‑202, s. 1(b); 2000‑137, s. 1(b);2001‑95, s. 5; 2008‑56, s. 2.)