§ 143B‑545. Terms of appointment.
Each member of a County Council shall serve for a term of two years,except for initial terms as provided in this section. Each member's term is acontinuation of that member's term under G.S. 147‑33.62. Members may bereappointed. The initial terms of appointment began January 1, 1999. In orderto provide for staggered terms, persons appointed for the positions designatedin subdivisions (9), (10), (12), (15), (17), and (18) of G.S. 143B‑544(a)were appointed for an initial term ending on June 30, 2000. The initial term ofthe second member added to each County Council pursuant to G.S. 143B‑544(a)(12)shall begin on July 1, 2001, and end on June 30, 2002. After the initial terms,persons appointed for the positions designated in subdivisions (9), (10), (12),(15), (17), and (18) of G.S. 143B‑544(a) shall be appointed for two‑yearterms, beginning on July 1. All other persons appointed to the Council wereappointed for an initial term ending on June 30, 2001, and, after those initialterms, persons shall be appointed for two‑year terms beginning on July 1.(1998‑202, s. 1(b); 1999‑423, s. 15; 2000‑137,s. 1(b); 2001‑199, s. 2.)