§ 143B‑550. Funding forprograms.
(a) Annually, theDepartment shall develop and implement a funding mechanism for programs thatmeet the standards developed under this Part. The Department shall ensure thatthe guidelines for the State and local partnership's funding process includethe following requirements:
(1) Fund effectiveprograms. The Department shall fund programs that it determines to beeffective in preventing delinquency and recidivism. Programs that have provento be ineffective shall not be funded.
(2) Use a formula forthe distribution of funds. A funding formula shall be developed that ensuresthat even the smallest counties will be able to provide the basic preventionand alternative services to juveniles in their communities.
(3) Allow and encouragelocal flexibility. A vital component of the State and local partnershipestablished by this section is local flexibility to determine how best toallocate prevention and alternative funds.
(4) Combine resources. Counties shall be allowed and encouraged to combine resources and services.
(b) The Departmentshall adopt rules to implement this section. The Department shall providetechnical assistance to County Councils and shall require them to evaluate allState‑funded programs and services on an ongoing and regular basis.
(c) The Department ofJuvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention shall report to the Senate andHouse of Representatives Appropriations Subcommittees on Justice and PublicSafety no later than March 1, 2006, and annually thereafter, on the results ofthe alternatives to commitment demonstration programs funded by Section 16.7 ofS.L. 2004‑124. The 2007 report and all annual reports thereafter shallalso include projects funded by Section 16.11 of S.L. 2005‑276 for the 2005‑2006fiscal year. Specifically, the report shall provide a detailed description ofeach of the demonstration programs, including the numbers of juveniles served,their adjudication status at the time of service, the services/treatmentsprovided, the length of service, the total cost per juvenile, and the six‑and 12‑month recidivism rates for the juveniles after the termination ofprogram services. (1998‑202,s. 1(b); 2000‑137, s. 1(b); 2005‑276, s. 16.11(c).)