Part 6. Public Librarian Certification Commission.
§ 143B‑67. Public Librarian CertificationCommission creation, powers and duties.
There is hereby created the Public Librarian Certification Commissionof the Department of Cultural Resources with the power and duty to adopt rulesand regulations to be followed in the certification of public librarians. TheCommission is authorized to establish and require written examinations forcertified public librarian applicants.
The Commission shall adopt such rules and regulations consistent withthe provisions of this Chapter. All rules and regulations consistent with theprovisions of this Chapter heretofore adopted by the Library CertificationBoard shall remain in full force and effect unless and until repealed orsuperseded by action of the Public Librarian Certification Commission. Allrules and regulations adopted by the Commission shall be enforced by theDepartment of Cultural Resources. (1973, c. 476, s. 49; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1359, s. 4.)