§ 143B‑72. TryonPalace Commission members; selection; quorum; compensation.
The Tryon Palace Commission of the Department of Cultural Resourcesshall consist of the following members: 25 voting members appointed by theGovernor, nonvoting members emeriti appointed by the Governor, and five votingex officio members as provided in this section.
The Governor shall appoint 25 voting members. The terms of the initialmembers shall be staggered as follows: Nine of the members shall be appointedto serve four‑year terms, eight of the members shall be appointed toserve three‑year terms, and eight of the members shall be appointed toserve two‑year terms. At the end of the respective terms of office ofthe initial appointed members of the Commission, the appointments of theirsuccessors, with the exception of ex officio members and members emeriti, shallbe for terms of four years and until their successors are appointed andqualify. Any appointment to fill a vacancy on the Commission shall be for thebalance of the unexpired term. The Governor shall designate the chair of theTryon Palace Commission. The other officers of the Tryon Palace Commissionshall be elected by the members of the Tryon Palace Commission.
The Governor may also appoint any person who has previously served onthe Tryon Palace Commission with distinction to the Commission as a memberemeritus. A person appointed as a member emeritus shall be deemed a lifetimemember of the Commission and shall serve as a nonvoting member.
In addition to the members who are appointed by the Governor, theAttorney General, the Secretary of Cultural Resources or the Secretary'sdesignee, the mayor of the City of New Bern, the Dean of the College of Artsand Sciences at East Carolina University, and the chairman of the Board ofCounty Commissioners of Craven County shall serve as voting ex officio membersof said Commission. The provisions of the Executive Organization Act of 1973pertaining to the residence of members of commissions shall not apply to the TryonPalace Commission.
A majority of the voting members of the Commission shall constitute aquorum for the transaction of business.
The members of the Commission shall serve without pay and withoutexpense allowance. (1973, c. 476, s.55; 1977, c. 771, s. 4; 1979, c. 151, s. 1; 1993, c. 109, s. 1.)