§ 143B‑73.1. U.S.S. North Carolina Battleship Commission duties.
The Commission shall have the further duty and authority to select anappropriate site for the permanent berthing of the Battleship U.S.S. NorthCarolina, taking into consideration factors including, but not limited to, theaccessibility, location in relation to roads and highways, scenic attraction,protection from hazards of weather, fire and sea, cost of site and berthing,cooperation of local governmental authorities in securing, equipping, andmaintaining appropriate areas surrounding the site, and others which may affectthe suitability of such site for establishment of the ship as a permanentmemorial and exhibit; to accept gifts, grants, and donations for the purposesof this Article; to transport to, and berth the ship at the site; to ready theship for visitation by the public; to establish and provide for a proper chargefor admission to the ship, and for safekeeping of funds; to maintain andoperate the ship as a permanent memorial and exhibit; to acquire property, bothreal and personal, with the approval of the Governor and the Council of State, and to accept donations of property, both real and personal, from any source;to establish, supervise, manage and maintain in New Hanover County with theapproval and assistance of the Department of Cultural Resources exhibits,dramas, cultural activities, museums, and records pertaining to the marine andnaval history of the State of North Carolina and the United States of America;to identify, preserve and protect properties having historical, marine andnaval significance to New Hanover County, the State, its communities andcounties and the nation; to establish and provide for a proper charge foradmission to all properties maintained and operated by the Commission in NewHanover County; to otherwise provide in carrying out its duties for theestablishment of appropriate activities to encourage interest in the marine andnaval history of North Carolina; to perpetuate the memory of North Carolinianswho gave their lives in the course of World War II and in the events in whichthe battleship was a participant, and to allocate funds for the fulfillment ofthe duties and authority herein provided as may be necessary and appropriatefor the purpose of this Article. (1961, c. 158; 1977, c. 741, ss. 1, 8.)