Part 14. North Carolina Arts Council.
§ 143B‑87. North Carolina Arts Council creation, powers and duties.
There is hereby created the North Carolina Arts Council with thefollowing duties and functions:
(1) To advise the Secretary of Cultural Resources on the study,collection, maintenance and dissemination of factual data and pertinentinformation relative to the arts;
(2) To advise the Secretary concerning assistance to localorganizations and the community at large in the area of the arts;
(3) To advise the Secretary on the exchange of information,promotion of programs and stimulation of joint endeavor between public andnonpublic organizations;
(4) To identify research needs in the arts area and toencourage such research;
(5) To advise the Secretary in regard to bringing the highestobtainable quality in the arts to the State and promoting the maximumopportunity for the people to experience and enjoy those arts;
(6) To advise the Secretary of the Department upon any matterthe Secretary may refer to it; and
(7) To advise the Secretary concerning the promotion of theaterarts in the State. (1973, c. 476, s.77; 1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1028, s. 14.)