§ 143B‑91. State Library Commission members;selection; quorum; compensation.
(a) The State Library Commission shall consist of 15 members.All members shall have an interest in the development of library andinformation services in North Carolina. Eight members shall be appointed by theGovernor. One member shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of theSenate. One member shall be appointed by the Speaker of the North CarolinaHouse of Representatives. Three members shall be appointed by the NorthCarolina Public Library Directors Association. Two members shall be thePresident and the President‑elect of the North Carolina LibraryAssociation or two appointees as determined by the North Carolina LibraryAssociation's Board of Directors. The State Librarian shall be an ex officiomember and act as secretary to the Commission.
All appointments shall be for four‑year terms with eight of thecommissioners taking office on the first four‑year cycle and sevencommissioners taking office on the second four‑year cycle. Anyappointment to fill a vacancy in one of the positions appointed by theGovernor, President Pro Tempore or Speaker of the House of Representativesshall be for the remainder of the unexpired term. Appointees shall not servemore than two successive four‑year terms.
The Governor shall choose a chairperson from among the gubernatorialappointees. The chairperson shall serve not more than two successive two‑yearterms as chair.
Members of the Commission shall receive per diem and necessary traveland subsistence expenses as provided in G.S. 138‑5.
A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for thetransaction of business.
All clerical and other services required by the Commission shall besupplied by the Secretary of Cultural Resources.
The Commission shall meet at least twice a year.
(b) There shall be standing committees established to advise theSecretary of Cultural Resources, the Commission, and the State Librarian. Thesecommittees shall be: Public Library Development; Interlibrary Cooperation;State Government Information Services; State Library Development; and any othercommittee deemed appropriate. Each committee shall be composed of a committeechairperson and at least six persons appointed annually by the Secretary of CulturalResources with the approval of the Commission. At least one of the members ofeach committee shall be a member of the Commission. Each committee shall reportto the Commission at least once a year. (1973, c. 476, s. 83; 1981, c. 918, s. 3; 1991, c. 757, s. 3; 1995, c.490, s. 53.)