§ 143B‑98. Edenton Historical Commission members; selection; compensation; quorum.
The Edenton Historical Commission shall consist of 33 members, 22appointed by the Governor to serve at his pleasure, four appointed by thePresident Pro Tempore of the Senate, four appointed by the Speaker of the Houseof Representatives, and, ex officio, the Mayor of the Town of Edenton, theChairman of the Board of Commissioners of Chowan County, and the Secretary ofCultural Resources or his designee.
All the present members of the Commission may continue to serve, at thepleasure of the Governor, until the end of his present term of office. TheCommission shall elect its own officers, and the members of the Commissionshall serve without pay and without expense allowance from State funds. TheCommission shall determine its requirements for a quorum. (1973, c. 476, s. 93; 1979, c. 733, s. 2; 2005‑421, s. 3.1(a).)