§ 143C‑3‑3. Budget requests from State agencies in the executive branch.
(a) General Provisions. A State agency that is not in the legislative or judicial branch ofgovernment shall submit its budget requests for the upcoming fiscal period tothe Director in accordance with the schedule prescribed by the Director. TheDirector shall give each State agency instructions to be used in estimating thefunds required to provide necessary State government programs and capitalimprovements. The estimates shall be itemized in accordance with the accountingclassifications adopted by the Controller and shall be approved and certifiedby the respective head or responsible officer of the agency submitting them.
(b) University of NorthCarolina System Request. Notwithstanding subsections (c), (d), and (e) ofthis section, pursuant to G.S. 116‑11 the Board of Governors shallprepare a unified budget request for all of the constituent institutions of TheUniversity of North Carolina, including repairs and renovations, capital fundrequests, and information technology.
(c) Repairs andRenovations Funds Request. In addition to any other information requested bythe Director, any State agency proposing to repair or renovate an existingfacility shall accompany that request with all of the following:
(1) A description ofcurrent deficiencies and proposed corrections with a review and evaluation ofthat proposal prepared by the Department of Administration.
(2) An estimate ofproject costs approved by the Department of Administration.
(3) A certification ofproject feasibility as described in G.S. 143‑341.
(4) An explanation ofthe method by which the repair or renovation is to be financed.
(d) Capital FundsRequest. In addition to any other information requested by the Director, anyState agency proposing to (i) acquire real property, (ii) construct a newfacility, (iii) expand the building area (sq. ft.) of an existing facility, or(iv) rehabilitate an existing facility to accommodate new or expanded usesshall accompany that request with all of the following:
(1) An estimate of itsspace needs and other physical requirements, together with a review andevaluation of that estimate prepared by the Department of Administration.
(2) An estimate ofproject costs and cash flow requirements approved by the Department ofAdministration.
(3) A certification ofproject feasibility as described in G.S. 143‑341.
(4) An explanation ofthe method by which the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation is to befinanced.
(5) An estimate ofmaintenance and operating costs, including personnel, for the project, coveringthe first five years of operation.
(6) An estimate ofrevenues, if any, to be derived from the project, covering the first five yearsof operation.
This subsection does not applyto requests for State resources for railroad, highway, or bridge constructionor renovation.
(e) InformationTechnology Request. In addition to any other information requested by theDirector, any State agency requesting significant State resources, as definedby the Director, for the purpose of acquiring or maintaining informationtechnology shall accompany that request with all of the following:
(1) A statement of itsneeds for information technology and related resources, including expected improvementsto programmatic or business operations, together with a review and evaluationof that statement prepared by the State Chief Information Officer.
(2) A statement settingforth the requirements for State resources, together with an evaluation of thoserequirements by the State Chief Information Officer that takes intoconsideration the State's current technology, the opportunities for technologysharing, the requirements of Article 3D of Chapter 147 of the General Statutes,and any other factors relevant to the analysis.
(3) A statement by theState Chief Information Officer that sets forth viable alternatives, if any,for meeting the agency needs in an economical and efficient manner.
(4) In the case of anacquisition, an explanation of the method by which the acquisition is to befinanced.
This subsection shall notapply to requests submitted by the General Assembly, the Administrative Officeof the Courts, or The University of North Carolina. (2006‑203, s. 3; 2007‑117,s. 5(a).)