§ 143C‑4‑7. Limiton number of permanent positions budgeted.
The total number of permanentbudgeted positions established in State agencies shall not be increased by theend of any State fiscal year by a greater percentage rate of change than thepercentage rate of change of the residential population growth for the State ofNorth Carolina. The Office of State Budget and Management shall be responsiblefor computing the annual percentage rates of change for each measure. Thepopulation growth rate shall be computed by averaging the annual residentialpopulation growth rate in each of the preceding 10 fiscal years as stated inthe annual estimates of residential population in North Carolina made by theUnited States Census Bureau. The growth rate of the number of budgetedpositions shall be computed by averaging the annual rate of growth of Statebudgeted positions in each of the preceding 10 fiscal years. The total numberof permanent budgeted positions established in State agencies shall be computedby adding the total number of budgeted Full‑Time Equivalents from allfund types. This section does not apply to State‑funded positionssupported by the State in a local public school system or local communitycollege institution. (2006‑203, s. 3.)