§ 143C‑6‑6. Positions included in the State Payroll.
(a) Before a Stateagency establishes a new position or changes the funding of an existingposition, the agency shall submit the proposed action to the Director forapproval. The Director shall review the proposed action to ensure that fundsfor the action are included in the amount appropriated to the agency. If theDirector approves the action, the Director shall notify the agency and theController of the approval. The Controller shall not honor a voucher in paymentof a payroll that includes a new position or a change in an existing positionthat has not been approved by the Director.
(b) Payments on behalfof employees for hospital‑medical insurance, longevity payments, salaryincrements, and legislative salary increases, required employer salary‑relatedcontributions for retirement benefits, death benefits, the Disability IncomePlan and social security for employees shall be paid from the General Fund orthe Highway Fund, only to the extent of the proportionate part paid from theGeneral Fund or Highway Fund, in support of the salary of the employee, and theremainder of the employer's contribution requirements shall be paid from thesame source that supplies the remainder of the employee's salary.
(c) Subsection (a) ofthis section does not apply to The University of North Carolina. (2006‑203, s. 3; 2007‑484,s. 34.)