Article 8.
Budgeting CapitalImprovement Projects.
§ 143C‑8‑1. Legislative intent; purpose.
(a) Legislative Intent. The General Assembly recognizes the need to establish a comprehensive processfor capital improvement planning and budgeting that is fully integrated withState financial planning and debt management.
(b) Capital ImprovementPlanning and Budgeting Process. The capital improvement planning andbudgeting process shall include the following elements:
(1) An inventory offacilities owned by State agencies.
(2) Criteria used toevaluate capital improvement needs.
(3) A six‑yearcapital improvement needs estimate.
(4) A six‑yearcapital improvements plan.
(5) Recommendations forcapital improvements set forth in the Recommended State Budget as specified inG.S. 143C‑3‑5.
(c) Office of StateBudget and Management to Manage Planning Process. The Office of State Budgetand Management has responsibility for management of the capital improvementplanning process. The Director of the Budget may assign to any State agency orinstitution such duties and responsibilities as may, in the Director'sjudgment, be necessary to the successful administration of the capitalimprovement planning process. (1997‑443, s. 34.9; 2000‑140, s. 93.1(a);2001‑424, s. 12.2(b); 2006‑203, s. 3.)