§146‑13. Erection of piers on State lakes restricted.
No person, firm, orcorporation shall erect upon the floor of, or in or upon, the waters of anyState lake, any dock, pier, pavilion, boathouse, bathhouse, or other structure,without first having secured a permit to do so from the Department ofAdministration, or from the agency designated by the Department to issue suchpermits. Each permit shall set forth in required detail the size, cost, andnature of such structure; and any person, firm, or corporation erecting anysuch structure without a proper permit or not in accordance with thespecifications of such permit shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. TheState may immediately proceed to remove such unlawful structure through dueprocess of law, or may abate or remove the same as a nuisance after five days'notice. (1933, c. 516, s. 3; G.S., s. 146‑10; 1959, c.683, s. 1; 1993, c. 539, s. 1051; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)