§146‑14.1. Natural Resources Easement Fund.
The Natural Resources EasementFund is established as a nonreverting fund within the Department ofAdministration. All easement purchase payment monies collected by the Secretaryshall be deposited in the Fund. The Fund may be used for direct costs ofadministering the program. Fifty percent (50%) of the net proceeds in the Fundshall be transferred annually to the Marine Fisheries Commission, and fiftypercent (50%) of the net proceeds in the Fund shall be transferred annually tothe Wildlife Resources Commission, to be used by both Commissions for the solepurpose of enhancing public trust resources and increasing the public's accessto and use of public trust resources, including, but not limited to, meeting theState's cost share obligations for federal Wallop‑Breaux Fund projects,enhancing water resources and expanding the number of public boat ramps andother means of public waters access within the counties designated under G.S.113A‑103(2), and other public trust access purposes. (1995,c. 529, s. 3.)