§146‑42. What record must show; received as evidence.
All surveys so recorded insuch book shall show the number of the tract of land, the name of the partyentering, and the name of the assignee if there be any assignee; and shall beduly indexed, both alphabetically and numerically, in such record in the nameof the party making the entry and in the name of the assignee if there be anyassignee. Such record of any surveyor or deputy surveyor when so made shall beread in evidence in any action or proceeding in any court: Provided that ifsuch record differs from the original certificates of survey heretofore made oron file in the office of the Secretary of State, such original or certifiedcopy of the certificate in the Secretary of State's office shall control. (1905,c. 242, ss. 2, 3, 6; Rev., s. 1723; C.S., s. 7572; G.S., s. 146‑41; 1959,c. 683, s. 1.)