Correction of Grants.
§ 146‑46. When grantsmay issue.
In any case where, under theprovisions of this Subchapter, the Secretary of State is authorized to issue agrant or a duplicate grant to correct an error in a prior grant, the grant of correctionshall be authenticated by the Governor, countersigned by the Secretary ofState, and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. The date of theentry and the number of the survey from the certificate of survey upon whichthe grant is founded shall be inserted in every such grant, and a copy of theplot shall be attached to the grant. (1777, c. 114, s. 10, P.R.;1783, c. 185, s. 14, P.R.; 1796, c. 455, P.R.; 1799, c. 525, s. 2, P.R.; R.C.,c. 42, ss. 12, 22; Code, ss. 2769, 2779; 1889, c. 522; Rev., ss. 1729, 1734,1735; C.S., s. 7578; G.S., s. 146‑47; 1959, c. 683, s. 1.)