§146‑52. Errors in grants corrected.
If in issuing any grant thenumber of the grant or the name of the grantee or any material words or figuressuggested by the context have been omitted or not correctly written or given,or the description in the body of the grant does not correspond with the plotand description in the surveyor's certificate attached to the grant, or if inrecording the grant in his office the Secretary of State has heretofore made ormay hereafter make any mistake or omission by which any part of any grant hasnot been correctly recorded, the Secretary of State shall, upon the applicationof any party interested and the payment to him of his lawful fees, correct theoriginal grant by inserting in the proper place the words, figures, or namesomitted or not correctly given or suggested by the context; or if thedescription in the grant does not correspond with the surveyor's plot orcertificate, the Secretary of State shall make the former correspond with thelatter as the true facts may require. In case the party interested shall preferit, the Secretary of State shall issue a duplicate of the original grant,including therein the corrections made; and in those cases in which grants havenot been correctly recorded, he shall make the proper corrections upon hisrecords, or by rerecording, as he may prefer; and any grant corrected asaforesaid may be recorded in any county of the State as other grants arerecorded, and have relation to the time of the entry and date of the grant asin other cases. (1889, c. 460; Rev., s. 1741; C.S., s. 7590; G.S., s.146‑60; 1959, c. 683, s. 1.)