§146‑9. Disposition of mineral deposits in State lands not under water.
The Department ofAdministration may sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of mineral rights ordeposits in the vacant and unappropriated lands, swamplands, and lands acquiredby the State by virtue of being sold for taxes, not lying beneath the waters ofthe State, at such times, upon such consideration, in such portions, and uponsuch terms as are deemed proper by the Department and approved by the Governorand Council of State. Every instrument conveying such rights shall be executedin the manner required of deeds by G.S. 146‑ 74 through 146‑78, andshall be approved by the Governor and Council of State as therein provided, orby the agency designated by the Governor and Council of State to approveconveyances of such rights. The net proceeds of dispositions of all suchmineral rights or deposits shall be paid into the State Literary Fund. (1959,c. 683, s. 1.)