§ 147‑16.2. Duration ofboards and councils created by executive officials; extensions.
(a) Any executive orderof the Governor that creates a board, committee, council, or commission expirestwo years after the effective date of the executive order, unless the Governorspecifies an expiration date in the order; provided, however, that any suchexecutive order that was in effect on July 1, 1983, expires on June 30, 1985,unless the Governor specified a different expiration date in any such order.The Governor may extend any such executive order before it expires foradditional periods of up to two years by doing so in writing; copies of thewriting shall be filed by the Governor with the Secretary of State and theLegislative Library.
(b) Any other State board,committee, council, or commission created by the Governor or by any other Stateelective officer specified in Article III of the North Carolina Constitutionexpires two years after it was created; provided, however, that any such board,committee, council, or commission existing as of July 1, 1984, expires on June30, 1985, unless it was due to expire on an earlier date. The elective officercreating any such board, committee, council, or commission may extend theboard, committee, council, or commission before it expires for additionalperiods of up to two years by doing so in writing; copies of the writing shallbe filed by the elective officer with the Secretary of State and theLegislative Library.
(c) Any State board,committee, council, or commission created by any official in the executivebranch of State government, other than by those officials specified insubsections (a) and (b) of this section, expires two years after it wascreated; provided, however, that any board, committee, council, or commissionexisting as of July 1, 1984, expires on June 30, 1985, unless it was due toexpire on an earlier date. The Governor may extend any such board, committee,council, or commission before it expires for additional periods of up to twoyears by executive order; copies of the executive order shall be filed by theGovernor with the Secretary of State and the Legislative Library.
The words, "official inthe executive branch of State government," as used in this section, do notinclude officials of counties, cities, towns, villages, other municipalcorporations or political subdivisions of the State or any agencies of suchsubdivision, or local boards of education, other local public districts, unitsor bodies of any kind, or community colleges as defined in G.S. 115D‑2(2),or private corporations created by act of the General Assembly.
(d) Any electiveofficer specified in subsection (b) of this section and any other official inthe executive branch of State government who creates a board, committee, council,or commission shall do so in writing and shall file copies of the writing withthe Secretary of State and the Legislative Library. (1983, c. 733, s. 1; 1983(Reg. Sess., 1984), c. 1053; 2004‑203, s. 50(b).)