§147‑16.3. Timely nominations if legislative body must confirm.
Notwithstanding any otherprovision of law, whenever:
(1) A statute specifiesthat an office shall be filled by nomination by the Governor and confirmationby the General Assembly or by one house thereof, and
(2) The statutespecifies that the nominee shall take office without legislative action if theGeneral Assembly adjourns without action being taken or fails to take actionwithin a specified time, and
(3) The Governor failsto nominate a person for the office by May 15 of a regular session of theGeneral Assembly during an odd‑numbered year or by June 7 of a regularsession of the General Assembly during an even‑numbered year, and
(4) The appropriatelegislative body does not act on the nomination before it next adjourns formore than 10 days or sine die,
the nominee shall serve only onan interim basis until 60 days after the convening of the next regular sessionof the General Assembly, subject to rejection or approval by the appropriatelegislative body before that time. (1987, c. 867, s. 4.)