§ 147‑33.72G. Information Technology Advisory Board.
(a) Creation;Membership. The Information Technology Advisory Board is established andshall be located within the Office of Information Technology Services fororganizational, budgetary, and administrative purposes. The Board shall consistof 9 members, two appointed by the Governor, two appointed by the President ProTempore of the Senate, and two appointed by the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives, two appointed by the chair, and the State Controller exofficio. The Governor shall designate a chair from among the membership.
(a1) Of the initialappointments, one person each appointed by the Governor, the president ProTempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the chairshall serve a term of one year beginning October 1, 2007, and one personappointed by each shall serve a term of two years beginning October 1, 2007.All succeeding appointments shall be for terms of two years. Members shall notserve for more than two successive terms.
(a2) Vacancies shall befilled by the appointing authority for the unexpired portion of the term inwhich they occur.
(a3) The membersappointed by the Governor shall be heads of State agencies or managers whoseprimary responsibilities do not include information technology.
(a4) The membersappointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of theHouse of Representatives shall be persons with experience in the deployment,use, maintenance, and replacement of information technology. Of the membersappointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, one member shall be fromlocal government, and one member shall be from the private sector. Of themembers appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one membershall be from primary or secondary education, and one member shall be from theprivate sector.
(a5) The two membersappointed by the chair shall be chief information officers of State agencies ormanagers whose primary responsibilities include information technology.
(b) Conflicts ofInterest. Members of the Advisory Board shall not serve on the board ofdirectors or other governing body of, be employed by, or receive anyremuneration of any kind from any information systems, computer hardware,computer software, or telecommunications vendor of goods and services to theState of North Carolina.
No member of the AdvisoryBoard shall vote on an action affecting solely that person's State agency.
(c) Powers and Duties. The Board shall:
(1) Review and commenton the State Information Technology Plan developed by the State ChiefInformation Officer under G.S. 147‑33.72B(b).
(2) Review and commenton the information technology plans of the executive agencies prepared underG.S. 147‑33.72B(c).
(3) Review and commenton the statewide technology initiatives developed by the State ChiefInformation Officer.
(4) Advise the StateChief Information Officer on the development of statewide informationtechnology programs and services.
(d) Meetings. TheInformation Technology Advisory Board shall adopt bylaws containing rulesgoverning its meeting procedures. The Board shall meet at least quarterly. TheOffice of Information Technology Services shall provide administrative staffand facilities for Advisory Board meetings. The expenses of the Board shall bepaid from receipts available to the Office of Information Technology Servicesas requested by the Board. Advisory Board members shall receive per diem,subsistence, and travel allowances as follows:
(1) Commission memberswho are officials or employees of the State or of local government agencies, atthe rate established in G.S. 138‑6; and
(2) All other commissionmembers, at the rate established in G.S. 138‑5. (2004‑129, s. 2; 2007‑189,s. 4.)