§ 147‑33.83. Information resources centers and services.
(a) With respect to allexecutive departments and agencies of State government, except the Departmentof Justice if they do not elect at their option to participate, the Office ofInformation Technology Services shall have all of the following powers andduties:
(1) To establish andoperate information resource centers and services to serve two or moredepartments on a cost‑sharing basis, if the State CIO, after consultationwith the Office of State Budget and Management, decides it is advisable fromthe standpoint of efficiency and economy to establish these centers andservices.
(2) With the approval ofthe Office of State Budget and Management, to charge each department for whichservices are performed its proportionate part of the cost of maintaining andoperating the shared centers and services.
(3) To require anydepartment served to transfer to the Office ownership, custody, or control ofinformation processing equipment, supplies, and positions required by theshared centers and services.
(4) To adopt reasonablerules for the efficient and economical management and operation of the sharedcenters, services, and the integrated State telecommunications network.
(5) To adopt plans,policies, procedures, and rules for the acquisition, management, and use ofinformation technology resources in the departments affected by this section tofacilitate more efficient and economic use of information technology in thesedepartments.
(6) To develop andpromote training programs to efficiently implement, use, and manage informationtechnology resources.
(7) To provide cities,counties, and other local governmental units with access to the Office ofInformation Technology Services, information resource centers and services asauthorized in this section for State agencies. Access shall be provided on thesame cost basis that applies to State agencies.
(b) No data of aconfidential nature, as defined in the General Statutes or federal law, may beentered into or processed through any cost‑sharing information resourcecenter or network established under this section until safeguards for thedata's security satisfactory to the department head and the State ChiefInformation Officer have been designed and installed and are fully operational.Nothing in this section may be construed to prescribe what programs to satisfya department's objectives are to be undertaken, nor to remove from the controland administration of the departments the responsibility for program efforts,regardless whether these efforts are specifically required by statute or areadministered under the general program authority and responsibility of thedepartment. This section does not affect the provisions of G.S. 147‑64.6,147‑64.7, or 147‑33.91.
(c) Notwithstanding anyother provision of law, the Office of Information Technology Services shallprovide information technology services on a cost‑sharing basis to theGeneral Assembly and its agencies as requested by the Legislative ServicesCommission. (1989,c. 239, s. 5; c. 770, s. 60; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1024, s. 36; 1991(Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 900, s. 14(g); c. 1030, s. 51.14; 1997‑148, ss. 5,6; 1999‑347, s. 2; 1999‑434, s. 27; 2000‑174, s. 2; 2004‑129,s. 15.)