§147‑39. Custodian of statutes, records, deeds, etc.
The Secretary of State ischarged with the custody of all statutes and joint resolutions of thelegislature, all documents which pass under the great seal, and of all thebooks, records, deeds, parchments, maps, and papers now deposited in his officeor which may hereafter be there deposited pursuant to law, and he shall fromtime to time make all necessary provisions for their arrangement andpreservation. Every deed, conveyance, or other instrument whereby the State orany State agency or institution has acquired title to any real property andwhich is deposited with the Secretary of State shall be filed by him, andindexed according to the county or counties wherein the real property issituated and the name or names of the grantor or grantors and of the grantee;and the real property shall be briefly described in the index. (R.C.,c. 104, s. 105; 1868‑9, c. 270, s. 41; 1873‑4, c. 129; Code, s.3337; Rev., s. 5347; C.S., s. 7656; 1957, c. 584, s. 5.)