§147‑4. Executive officers election; term; induction into office.
The executive department shallconsist of a Governor, a Lieutenant Governor, a Secretary of State, an Auditor,a Treasurer, a Superintendent of Public Instruction, an Attorney General, aCommissioner of Agriculture, a Commissioner of Insurance, and a Commissioner ofLabor, who shall be elected for a term of four years, by the qualified electorsof the State, at the same time and places, and in the same manner, as membersof the General Assembly are elected. Their term of office shall commence on thefirst day of January next after their election and continue until theirsuccessors are elected and qualified. The persons having the highest number ofvotes, respectively, shall be declared duly elected, but if two or more beequal and highest in votes for the same office, then one of them shall bechosen by joint ballot of both houses of the General Assembly. Contestedelections shall be determined by a joint ballot of both houses of the GeneralAssembly in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. (Const.,art. 3, ss. 1, 3; 1897, c. 1, ss. 1, 2, 3; Rev., s. 5326; C.S., s. 7627; 1931,c. 312, s. 5; 1953, c. 2; 1981, c. 504, s. 7; 1985, c. 563, s. 12.)