§ 147‑54.7. Abrogationof offensive geographical place‑names.
(a) The GeneralAssembly finds that certain geographical place‑names are offensive orinsulting to the State's people, history, and heritage. These place‑namesshould be replaced by names that reflect the State's people, history, andheritage without resorting to offensive stereotypes, names, words, or phrases.
(b) The Secretary ofState, in consultation with the North Carolina Geographic InformationCoordinating Council, and pursuant to federal guidelines, shall adoptprocedures to effect the change of geographical place‑names that areoffensive or insulting. The procedures shall include a notification to thegoverning body of the county where the offensive or insulting place‑nameis deemed to exist that the Council intends to make application to change thename. The county governing body shall have 90 days in which to respond to theCouncil, and no action to affect a change in the place‑name shall beundertaken by the Council until it has reviewed the county's response, or theexpiration of the 90‑day period, whichever comes first.
(c) The proceduresadopted by the Secretary pursuant to this section shall include theconsideration of resolutions, if any, passed by the governing body of anycounty regarding the changing of a geographical place‑name within thecounty. (2003‑211,s. 1.)