§147‑64.12. Conflict of interest.
(a) To preserve theindependence and objectivity of the audit function, the Auditor and hisemployees may not, unless otherwise expressly authorized by statute, serve inany capacity on an administrative board, commission, or agency of government ofa political subdivision of the State or any other organization that, under theprovisions of this act, they have the responsibility or authority to audit. Norshall they have a material, direct or indirect financial, or other economicinterest in the transactions of any State agency.
(b) The Auditor shallnot conduct an audit on a program or activity for which he had managementresponsibility or in which he has been employed during the preceding two years.The General Assembly shall otherwise provide for the necessary audit ofprograms and activities within the meaning of this subsection.
If the Auditor's hotlinereceives a report of allegations of improper governmental activities in aprogram or activity that the Auditor is prohibited by this subsection fromauditing, the Hotline Manager shall transmit the report to the LegislativeServices Officer or his designee. The report shall retain the sameconfidentiality after transmittal to the General Assembly that it had in thepossession of the Auditor. (1983, c. 913, s. 2; 1993, c. 152, s. 1; 1996, 2nd Ex.Sess., c. 18, s. 8(n).)