§ 147‑64.6B. Reports ofimproper governmental activities.
(a) The Auditor shallprovide various means, including a telephone hotline, electronic mail, andInternet access to receive reports of allegations of improper governmentalactivities. The Auditor shall periodically publicize the hotline telephonenumber, electronic mail address, Internet Web site address, and any other meansby which the Auditor may receive reports of allegations of impropergovernmental activities. Individuals who make a report under this section maychoose to remain anonymous until the individual affirmatively consents tohaving his or her identity disclosed.
(b) The Auditor shallinvestigate reports of allegations of improper governmental activities of Stateagencies and State employees within the scope of authority set forth in G.S.147‑64.6, including misappropriation, mismanagement, or waste of Stateresources, fraud, violations of State or federal law, rule or regulation byState agencies or State employees administering State or federal programs, andsubstantial and specific danger to the public health and safety. When theallegation involves issues of substantial and specific danger to the publichealth and safety, the Auditor shall notify the appropriate State agency immediately.When the Auditor believes that an allegation of improper governmental activityis outside the authority set forth in G.S. 147‑64.6, the Auditor shallrefer the allegation to the appropriate State agency responsible for theenforcement or administration of the matter for investigation. When the Auditorbelieves that an allegation of improper governmental activity involves mattersset forth in subdivisions (1), (2), or (3) of this subsection, those mattersshall be referred as follows:
(1) Allegations ofcriminal misconduct to either the State Bureau of Investigation or the DistrictAttorney for the county where the alleged misconduct occurred.
(2) Allegations ofviolations of Chapter 138A, Chapter 120C, and Article 14 of Chapter 120 of theGeneral Statutes to the State Ethics Commission.
(3) Allegations ofviolations of Chapter 163 of the General Statutes to the State Board ofElections.
(c) All recordsmaintained by the Auditor of reports of unsubstantiated allegations of impropergovernmental activities shall be destroyed within four years from the date theunsubstantiated allegation was received. (2008‑215, s. 1(b).)