§147‑83. Receipts from federal government and gifts not affected.
General Statutes 147‑77,147‑78, 147‑80, 147‑81, 147‑82, 147‑83 and 147‑84shall not be held or construed to affect or interfere with the receipts anddisbursements of any funds received by any institution or department of thisState from the federal government or any gift or donation to any institution ordepartment of the State or commission or agency thereof when either in the actof Congress, relating to such funds received from the federal government, or inthe instrument evidencing the said private donation or gift, a contrarydisposition or handling is prescribed or required, and the said sections shallnot apply to any moneys paid to any department, institution or agency, orundertaking of the State of North Carolina, as a part of any legislativeappropriation, or allotment from any contingent fund, as provided by law, afterthe same has been paid out of the State treasury. (1925, c. 128, s. 6.)