§ 147‑86.46. Expirationof this article.
This article expires upon theoccurrence of any of the following:
(1) The Congress orPresident of the United States declaring that the Darfur genocide has beenhalted for at least 12 months.
(2) The United States revokingall sanctions imposed against the Government of Sudan.
(3) The Congress orPresident of the United States declaring that the Government of Sudan hashonored its commitments to cease attacks on civilians, demobilize anddemilitarize the Janjaweed and associated militias, grant free and unfetteredaccess for deliveries of humanitarian assistance, and allow for the safe andvoluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons.
(4) The Congress orPresident of the United States, through legislation or executive order,declaring that mandatory divestment of the type provided for in this articleinterferes with the conduct of United States foreign policy. (2007‑486, s. 6.)