Prison Regulations.
§ 148‑11. Authority toadopt rules; authority to designate uniforms.
(a) The Secretary shalladopt rules for the government of the State prison system. The Secretary shallhave the rules that pertain to enforcing discipline read to every prisoner whenreceived in the State prison system and a printed copy of these rules madeavailable to the prisoners.
(b) The Secretary ofCorrection has sole authority to designate the uniforms worn by inmatesconfined in the Division of Prisons. (1873‑4, c. 158, s. 15;Code, s. 3444; Rev., s. 5401; C.S., s. 7721; 1925, c. 163; 1933, c. 172, s. 18;1955, c. 238, s. 4; 1957, c. 349, s. 4; 1967, c. 996, ss. 14, 15; 1973, c.1262, s. 10; 1983, c. 147, s. 1; 1987, c. 827, s. 1; 1991, c. 418, s. 15; 1991,c. 477, s. 6; 1995, c. 507, s. 27.8(u); 1999‑109, s. 2.)