§ 148‑131. Powers andresponsibilities.
In order to fulfill thepurposes set forth in G.S. 148‑129, the Division of CorrectionEnterprises is authorized and empowered to take all actions necessary in theoperation of its enterprises, including any of the following actions to:
(1) Develop and operateindustrial, agricultural, and service enterprises either within prisonfacilities or outside the prison facilities.
(2) Plan and establishnew industrial, agricultural, and service enterprises so long as any newenterprise is specifically approved by the Governor as required by G.S. 66‑58(f).
(3) Employ inmates andany other personnel that may be necessary in the operation of CorrectionEnterprises.
(4) Expand, diminish, ordiscontinue any enterprise operating under its authority.
(5) Purchase anymachinery, equipment, materials, and supplies required in the operation of itsenterprises.
(6) Market and sell thegoods and services produced by Correction Enterprises.
(7) Determine the pricesat which products and services produced by inmate labor shall be sold.
(8) Execute and enterinto contracts.
(9) Establish andoperate an enterprise that complies with all applicable federal laws andguidelines required by the federal Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program(Justice Assistance Act of 1984: Public Law 98‑473, Section 819).
(10) Establish policiesand procedures regarding the operation of Correction Enterprises.
(11) Take any actionnecessary and appropriate for the effective operation of its enterprises, solong as that action complies with applicable State and federal laws. (2007‑280, s. 1.)