§148‑3. Prison property.
(a) The StateDepartment of Correction shall subject to the provisions of G.S. 143‑341,have control and custody of all unexpended surplus highway funds previouslyallocated for prison purposes and all property of every kind and descriptionnow used by or considered a part of units of the State prison system, exceptvehicles used on a rental basis. The property coming within the provisions ofthis section shall be identified and agreed upon by the executive heads of thehighway and prison systems, or by their duly authorized representatives. TheGovernor shall have final authority to decide whether or not particularproperty shall be transferred to the Department of Correction in event theexecutive heads of the two systems are unable to agree.
(b) Property, both realand personal, deemed by the Department of Correction to be necessary orconvenient in the operation of the State prison system may, subject to theprovisions of G.S. 143‑341, be acquired by gift, devise, purchase, or lease.The Department of Correction may, subject to the provisions of G.S. 143‑341,dispose of any prison property, either real or personal, or any interest orestate therein. (1901, c. 472, ss. 2, 6; Rev., s. 5392; C.S., s. 7705;1925, c. 163; 1933, c. 172, s. 18; 1943, c. 409; 1957, c. 349, s. 3; 1967, c.996, s. 13.)