§ 148‑33. Prison laborfurnished other State agencies.
The State Department ofCorrection may furnish to any of the other State departments, Stateinstitutions, or agencies, upon such conditions as may be agreed upon from timeto time between the Department and the governing authorities of suchDepartment, institution or agency, prison labor for carrying on any work whereit is practical and desirable to use prison labor in the furtherance of thepurposes of any State department, institution or agency, and such otheremployment as is now provided by law for inmates of the State's prison underthe provisions of G.S. 148‑6: Provided that such prisoners shall at alltimes be under the custody of and controlled by the duly authorized agent ofsuch Department. Provided, further, that notwithstanding any provisions of lawcontained in this Article or in this Chapter, no prisoner or group of prisonersmay be assigned to work in any building utilized by any State department,agency, or institution unless a duly designated custodial agent of theSecretary of Correction is assigned to the building to maintain supervision andcontrol of the prisoner or prisoners working there. (1933, c. 172, s. 30; 1957,c. 349, s. 10; 1961, c. 966; 1967, c. 996, ss. 13, 15; 1973, c. 1262, s. 10;2007‑398, s. 4.)