§148‑47. Disposition of child born of female prisoner.
Any child born of a femaleprisoner while she is in custody shall as soon as practicable be surrendered tothe director of social services of the county wherein the child was born upon aproper order of the domestic relations court or juvenile court of said countyaffecting the custody of said child. When it appears to be for the bestinterest of the child, the court may place custody beyond the geographicalbounds of Wake County: Provided, however, that all subsequent proceedings andorders affecting custody of said child shall be within the jurisdiction of theproper court of the county where the infant is residing at the time suchproceeding is commenced or such order is sought: Provided, further, thatnothing in this section shall affect the right of the mother to consent to theadoption of her child nor shall the right of the mother to place her child withthe legal father or other suitable relative be affected by the provisions ofthis section. (1933, c. 172, s. 28; 1955, c. 1027; 1961, c. 186;1969, c. 982.)