State Song and Toast.
§ 149‑1. "The OldNorth State."
The song known as "TheOld North State," as hereinafter written, is adopted and declared to bethe official song of the State of North Carolina, said song being in words asfollows:
"Carolina! Carolina!Heaven's blessings attend her!
While we live we will cherish,protect and defend her;
Though the scorner may sneer atand witlings defame her,
Our hearts swell with gladnesswhenever we name her.
Hurrah!Hurrah! The Old North State forever!
Hurrah!Hurrah! The good Old North State!
Though she envies not otherstheir merited glory,
Say, whose name stands theforemost in Liberty's story!
Though too true to herself e'erto crouch to oppression,
Who can yield to just rule moreloyal submission?
Plain and artless her sons, butwhose doors open faster
At the knock of a stranger, orthe tale of disaster?
How like to the rudeness oftheir dear native mountains,
With rich ore in their bosomsand life in their fountains.
And her daughters, the Queen ofthe Forest resembling
So graceful, so constant, yetto gentlest breath trembling;
And true lightwood at heart,let the match be applied them,
How they kindle and flame! Oh! none know but who'vetried them.
Then let all who love us, lovethe land that we live in
(As happy a region on this sideof Heaven),
(Where Plenty and Freedom, Loveand Peace smile before us,
Raise aloud, raise together,the heart‑thrilling chorus!"
(1927, c. 26, s. 1.)