§15‑167. Extension of session of court by trial judge.
Whenever a trial for a felonyis in progress on the last Friday of any session of court and it appears to thetrial judge that it is unlikely that such trial can be completed before 5:00P.M. on such Friday, the trial judge may extend the session as long as in his opinion it shall be necessary for the purposes of the case, but he may recesscourt on Friday or Saturday of such week to such time on the succeeding Sundayor Monday as, in his discretion, he deems wise. The trial judge, in hisdiscretion, may exercise the same power in the trial of any other cause underthe same circumstances, except civil actions begun after Thursday of the lastweek. The length of time such court shall remain in session each day shall bein the discretion of the trial judge. Whenever a trial judge continues asession pursuant to this section, he shall cause an order to such effect to beentered in the minutes, which order may be entered at such time as the judgedirects, either before or after he has extended the session. (1830,c. 22; R.C., c. 31, s. 16; C.C.P., s. 397; Code, s. 1229; 1893, c. 226; Rev.,s. 3266; C.S., s. 4637; 1961, c. 181; 1973, c. 1141, s. 15.)