§ 15‑209. Accommodations for probation offices.
(a) The countycommissioners in each county in which a probation office exists shall provide,in or near the courthouse, suitable office space for those probation officersassigned to the county who have probationary caseloads and their administrativesupport. This requirement does not include management staff of the Departmentof Correction, nonprobation staff, or other Department of Correction employees.
(b) If a county isunable to provide the space required under subsection (a) of this section forany reason, it may elect to request that the Department of Correction leasespace for the probation office and receive reimbursement from the county forthe leased space. If a county fails to reimburse the Department for such leasedspace, the Secretary of Correction may request that the Administrative Officeof the Courts transfer the unpaid amount to the Department from the county'scourt and jail facility fee remittances. (1937, c. 132, s. 13; 2009‑451, s. 19.19.)